Fundamentals in Sentence Writing Strategy (SP)

3. Portfolio of Implementation Showing Fidelity

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated August 31, 2022 at 9:26 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Submit your portfolio of implementation (*may link to Fidelity of Implementation (FI) Credential evidence if you've already earned this badge).
Create a portfolio of your instruction in which you:
  1. Describe the group or student (size of group, level, student characteristics, etc.)
  2. Describe the length of implementation (weeks or months, amount of time per day, days per week)
  3. Submit student progress chart(s) without student names.
  4. Submit a narrative log of your implementation experiences (what went well and/or poorly, adjustments made if necessary, ideas generated for issues encountered, and impact.)
  5. Submit a narrative describing coaching, feedback, and follow up, identifying your coach.

All posted evidence

Slide deck contains portfolio of implementation.

Google Docs


Fundamentals of Sentence Writing Portfolio of Implementation Showing Fidelity Josefina Miller (Josie)
josie About 1 year ago

Implementation Portfolio

michellebcowan Over 1 year ago

See Fidelity

drphyllishill Almost 2 years ago

This folder includes documentation of the class description, lesson reflections, and student work.

amelia169 About 2 years ago

These are the notes, questions, verbal practice nd writing portfolio that I used while implenting the program in addtion to the worksheets.

kgrabove Almost 3 years ago

Google Drive

loftonls About 3 years ago

Answers to Description Narrative

brezenski Almost 4 years ago

Narrative and Questions Responses

Google Docs

Pam Brezenski Student Work

Describe the group or student (size of group, level, student characteristics, etc.) I had started with a group of 7 students who were enrolled in our Think College 18-21 school; LifeLink. However, Covid 19 and our shut down happened after lesson 4. So, I worked with Mary Black to support individu...
brezenski Almost 4 years ago

Narratives and Descriptions-5 Questions

Google Docs

Pam Brezenski Student Work

Describe the group or student (size of group, level, student characteristics, etc.) I had started with a group of 7 students who were enrolled in our Think College 18-21 school; LifeLink. However, Covid 19 and our shut down happened after lesson 4. So, I worked with Mary Black to support individu...
brezenski Almost 4 years ago

Josie's Portfolio

brezenski Almost 4 years ago

Allen's Portfolio

brezenski Almost 4 years ago

These were the initial writing samples for Josie and Allen.

brezenski Almost 4 years ago