My classroom setting includes 17 students with various
levels and abilities including 2 Tier 4 Special Education students. Baseline data was taken in September 2015 to assess knowledge of sentence writing. Pre-test results showed the class needed direct instruction on the fundamentals of sentence writing. Students were involved in setting the goal of learning the strategy for correct sentence writing and each child began creating a writing notebook. After instructional time explaining the "big picture" for writing sentences, I began giving students the strategy steps. Students worked in their interactive writing notebooks and glued the steps for sentence writing strategy. Repeated modeling and think aloud was done with students to demonstrate "MARK" and Search and Check. I added picture clues to their poster in notebooks by enlarging the "V" and "S" and showing the symbols for proper beginning, ending and meaning. In addition to this poster students glued in a song to help remember the definition of subjects and verbs. We referenced this song throughout the year, singing "the subject tells who or what and comes first in the sentence", or "the verb tells what they did or are" to the tune of The Mulberry Bush. From this point, I taught each lesson in the Fundamentals and students completed the learning sheets for each lesson. They received guided practice and then feedback on independent practice. More posters were added as lessons progressed for: linking verbs, infinitives, prepositions, verb bank and noun bank. The students can use these in their interactive notebook to assist their writing. I was able to conference with students and provide re-teaching lessons for any lessons and learning sheets as needed. Finally, a Posttest to show growth and progress was given in June 2016.