Jill Nicholson

Complete Evaluations

Breakout Sessions Completed

  • May 20, 2019 at 4:11 PM
  • Visible to public
One Keynote: Sue Vernon
Breakout 1: Word Identification: Second to None
Breakout 2: The Ever-Evolving Unit Organizer
Breakout 3: Are We Really Personalizing for Diverse Learners. . . .
Breakout 4: Welcome to CORGI .  . . 
Breakout 5: Focusing on Teaching: Using Video for High Impact Instruction
Breakout 6: Learn About A New Strategic Math Series Manual 
Breakout 7: Nurturing Student Engagement: Social Emotional Learning . . . 
Breakout 8: Will You Be My Friend: Social Emotional Learning . . . .