2018 SIM Regional Update Conference Participant

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  • Last updated January 22, 2018 at 12:28 PM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Comment on at least one session in the "Post Evidence" section below. These comments will be accessible by all other Conference Participant Badge learners, experts, and anyone accessing your badge in the future. Be sure to include the name of the session and who is presenting.

All posted evidence

Using CE Graphics for Essay Writing

The session with Jan Bulgren regarding using CE Graphics for Essay Writing was very insightful. Writing has not been a required component of District Assessments in Iowa in the past, but writing will become a requirement in 2018-19.  I expect districts will be more thoughtful and spend more time on writing skills. The idea of using CE Graphics for Essay Writing will be very helpful as districts work to prepare students to have the writing skills to be successful on the new state assessments.
presley Almost 6 years ago

Introduction to a New Intervention for Teaching Multiplication with Regrouping

The use of manipulates such as phase 10 blocks with this intervention strategy can provide the connection students need for solving multiplication problems.  
wolkenc About 6 years ago

Narrative Theme Writing

While I found EVERY minute of the conference engaging, I especially enjoyed learning the Narrative Theme Writing strategy with Jean Schumaker. I found the strategy easy to follow and seems easy to implement as well. I will most likely use this strategy with middle school students in my current teaching position. I also would like to train the others on my team to be able to implement this strategy. It was a privilege to be introduced to this strategy by a SIM icon, Jean Schumaker. 
marykirchoff Over 6 years ago