2015 SIM Conference Participant


Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated June 17, 2015 at 1:17 PM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Complete an evaluation of the conference keynote and at least one session. Post the name of the session(s) you evaluated here.
Evaluate here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2015SIMConf.   Your responses will not be made public, but may be shared with the session presenter(s).

All posted evidence

I found the keynote to inspiring. She sent us out with a sense of mission. It really set the tone.

cajamunro Over 5 years ago

Keynote and Flippin Crazy and Flippin SIM

Both of these presentations provided information on how we can transform classrooms and differentiate instruction for students using technology.  These are novel ideas for the SIM Network and need a deep dive into how to deliver PD using a flipped model and how to incorporate technology into SIM strategies (more than just templates).  This is very exciting to me!  
susannejames Almost 9 years ago

The sessions I attended on reading, writing, academic language, and coaching all met my identified areas for professional growth.

All of the sessions I attended provided me with new information, strategies, and skills I will use to address the instructional requests of teachers wanting to target specific student needs.  I appreciated learning about the research behind each of the strategies I learned.  Typically when working with districts and parents, one of the first things they want to know is the research behind the strategy and the effectiveness of each strategy.
gkoenig Almost 9 years ago

Good informative session on badges.

akyorks78 Almost 9 years ago

I have completed the Survey Monkey evaluation.

nanette Over 9 years ago

Completed a conference evaluation on Survey Monkey:)

retired6 Over 9 years ago

Keynote: The use of technology to enhance learning for all students in a meaningful way is always interesting. Action Research- great!

cougar_12 Over 9 years ago

Proficiency in the Theme Writing Strategy

Lovely addition to the collection
cschnied Over 9 years ago

I evaluated the Keynote presentation from Richard Culatta.

pattygraner Over 9 years ago

Overall Conference Evaluation Margaret Floes- Strategic Math Series Richard Culatta's Keynote Jim Knight's Better Conversations

hbarrier Over 9 years ago

Word Mapping

Our group worked well determining Tier 1,2, and 3 Words and the best way to teach critical vocabulary using LINCS or Word Mapping. Hearty conversations led to good debate about our selections. I plan to work hard and duplicate that experience for future staff opportunities!
kojile Over 9 years ago

Posted my evaluation in Survey Monkey. You can check since I used my name.

pattygraner Over 9 years ago