Catherine League

5. Describe Their Implementation

Collaboration with colleagues on frequency and fidelity of implementation

  • December 12, 2017 at 8:13 AM
  • Last updated almost 7 years ago
  • Visible to public
I have been working with colleagues at Culpeper Middle School on their implementation of the Unit Organizer Routine with students. I have been observed numerous times using the Unit Organizer in my classes and followed up with a debrief with teachers on personalizing use of the device and routine as well as planning next steps. I have also provided observation coaching (either in person or by video coaching) and feedback.

SUCCESSES: In general, our new teachers are developing fluency with the device and the linking steps. There is a great interest in SIM and using CERs with fidelity. Most new teachers have the goal this year of using the Unit Organizer Routine 3 times per week with fidelity. They have actively sought coaching and are receptive to feedback and improvement. There is good co-construction (partnership with students), appreciation for student voice, and alignment between units and assessments. 

CHALLENGES: Teachers are working on getting all parts of cue-do- and review in one session. There is still the perception that launching a unit takes time away from instruction. There are questions about how much teacher-led input is too much, especially as concerns the unit self-test questions. To resolve these challenges, I rely on the guidebook and advise from my coach, our county literacy coordinator. We are working hard to strengthen Tier 1 instructional methods so that fewer students need additional interventions for essential skills or content mastery. 


Used Expanded Map for school Demo Day

Launched UO (second year teacher)

Launched UO (new teacher)