Catherine League

4. Describe your Coaching

I have been coaching several teachers who have varying levels of familiarity and experience with the Unit Organizer Routine.

  • November 9, 2017 at 1:20 PM
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I have provided several Models of launching, floating, and tying up units, followed by a debrief of the device, the cue-do-review instructional sequence, use of formative assessment, and student engagement. New teachers in my department have embraced the routine and are committed to implementing with fidelity. This was a suggested goal for teachers new to the county this year: to implement the Unit Organizer Routine at least three times per week with fidelity.

To assess fidelity, we rely on the guidebook, device checklist, and implementation checklist. New teachers are expected to observe at least one model and be observed at least twice and provided feedback. I am working with several teachers in this coaching cycle.

There is an investment in SIM at my school, and teachers want to use the Unit Organizer Routine to impact student achievement positively. With grade level teams, we work frequently on alignment between the county curriculum and pacing guides, our unit organizers, and our unit tests. Our devices are generally strong and well-aligned to benefit our students. Many teachers have observed me modeling the UO Routine with my students. They say they have learned a lot by watching the cue-do-review and co-construction process. The next step is for these teachers to be observed; there does not seem to be an urgency for that yet this year.

In English department, most teachers are using station teaching. Some teachers have expressed that whole-group co-construction of the Unit Organizer is at odds with the small-group student-led instruction model we use. Through coaching, we have brainstormed ways of making the launch effective in whole group instruction and keeping the Unit Organizer in front of students throughout our units, which tend to be about 6 weeks long.