Unit Organizer Routine (SP)

3. Instruct a Teacher

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  • Last updated August 30, 2022 at 12:25 PM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Guide another instructor through the Routine in its entirety. Help them to follow the instructional steps in the manual.

All posted evidence

Attached is my evidence for this section.

becky11 Over 5 years ago

This goes with what I just posted.

I coached a sixth grade Science teacher, Mrs. Vida, for this. She wanted to do a unit on the Solar System.
I explained the design format to her and suggested a couple of ways to start. She took a blank device and filled it out with the information she needed to teach. Then I helped her set it up correctly and helped her choose the connectors. It looked really good at the end. 
She didn't want to use PowerPoint or Gist. She wanted to keep it handwritten for her first try.
She said she knew how to use PPT, but would use it in the future if this one went well.
I explained to her that it was important to implement with fidelity by using the cue-do-review. I also shared some of my experiences using Unit Organizers.

sherri12 Almost 6 years ago

Observation Checklist

sherri12 Almost 6 years ago

Janice Creneti observed me instructing two of my co-workers on the UO routine October 19,2018.

sherri12 Almost 6 years ago

Coaching Another Teacher

Mrs. Blevins observed me during my sessions using the Unit Organizer Routine with her students. I guided her through the process of completing each section of the organizer, using the manual as a reference. She helped me construct drafts of the Unit I was presenting before actually using the routine with her students. She then used it to introduce and teach the unit on Nonfiction Text Structures-Organizational patterns.
cdblev Almost 6 years ago

Device checklist following teacher instruction.

cdblev Almost 6 years ago

Coached our Science Team through the unit organizer.

I coached our 8th grade science team through the creation and use of a unit organizer. We looked at the research and value of implementing this routine with students and marked the necessary pages in the books. We then went over the critical parts of the unit organizer and I demonstrated how to use the organizer with students. We practiced cue, do, review steps with the organizer and then worked on breaking down the standards in our first unit and creating drafts. 
swochs Almost 6 years ago

Devonna Blevins-Marble

lmmurphybrown About 6 years ago

Attached is the power point I used to guide my teacher in understanding the unit organizer's full function.

Unit organizer powerpoint


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sstrickland Almost 7 years ago

Instructed two teachers on the Unit Organizer routine on 12/7/17, attached is the agenda for that training.

A PowerPoint that I used to explain the UO routine to my two colleagues. The PowerPoint was built from the guidebook

smiter02 About 7 years ago