I attended the Virginia Leadership Institute for Professional Developers in SIM™ on June 18 - 20, 2019 in Harrisonburg, VA with Helen Barrier, Dana McCaleb, Whitney Miller, and Jocelyn Washburn. It was a pretty intensive experience, with a fast pace and lots of opportunities to collaborate with other apprentices and the SIM Professional Developers who led the Institute.
Connecting CERs with partnership principles, becoming familiar with the history and evidence base of SIM, and the impact on student learning were some of the highlights of my experience. I am excited about the opportunity to move forward in my own professional learning and share it with educators in the school divisions I serve.
Connecting CERs with partnership principles, becoming familiar with the history and evidence base of SIM, and the impact on student learning were some of the highlights of my experience. I am excited about the opportunity to move forward in my own professional learning and share it with educators in the school divisions I serve.