SIM Content Enhancement Preservice PD-er

3. Post a Portfolio

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  • Last updated July 29, 2020 at 8:39 AM by kucrl
  • Evidence visible to public
Post a portfolio of integrated devices used in coursework that includes:
o   One Course Organizer
o   Two Unit Organizers
o   Two Concept Devices
o   One Questions Exploration Guide
o   One Frame

All posted evidence

This unit organizer was used to structure how to create a PBI unit

buckaress Almost 6 years ago

The question exploration guide was used to help the students research a classroom equity issue.

Google Docs

Copy of Bailey Moore - Question Exploration Guide 2

Question Exploration Guide MAIN IDEA to be addressed: What is the equity issue being identified? Ethnicity and Race What is the CRITICAL QUESTION? What will your colleagues need to know as foundational knowledge for addressing students in their future classrooms? How can a teacher address...
buckaress Almost 6 years ago

The Question Exploration Guide was used for students to develop their research for a classroom equity issue

Google Docs

Copy of Ciera Newsome - Question Exploration Guide 2

Question Exploration Guide MAIN IDEA to be addressed: What is the equity issue being identified? Ethnicity What is the CRITICAL QUESTION? What will your colleagues need to know as foundational knowledge for addressing students in their future classrooms? How does ethnicity impact students...
buckaress Almost 6 years ago

This framing routine was used with students to write up their understanding of specific learning disabilities

Google Docs

Copy of THE FRAME Joe

THE FRAME KEY TOPIC: Learning Disabilities IS ABOUT... Finding ways to accommodate those students who struggle to process forms of communication which usually come naturally to other students, so that they are not left behind in class MAIN IDEA: Dyslexia MAIN IDEA: Reading Comprehens...
buckaress Almost 6 years ago

students in pedagogy class collaborated together to complete the Framing Routine, and then copied this poster on their individual handouts

Google Docs


buckaress Almost 6 years ago

student work for course organizer of a pedagogy class.

buckaress Almost 6 years ago

This is the student version of the course organizer for the classroom diversity class.

buckaress Almost 6 years ago

This is the course organizer for the classroom diversity class - my prepared version before presenting it to the class.

buckaress Almost 6 years ago

Comparison Table for their teaching goals.

Google Docs

Copy of Victoria - Comparison Table

COMPARISON TABLE OVERALL TEACHING GOAL: Creating a learning environment that is structured and gives relevance and significance to the content for all students. C O M P A R I N G Communicate targeted concepts Obtain the Overall Concept Make lists of known characteristics Pin down like cha...
buckaress Almost 6 years ago

Comparison Table for teaching goals

Google Docs

Copy of Ciera Newsome - Comparison Table

COMPARISON TABLE OVERALL TEACHING GOAL FOR INTERNSHIP II/APPRENTICE TEACHING: Make sure that the work/questions/assignments/etc. are of the right level of difficulty for the class(es) that I'm teaching. C O M P A R I N G Communicate targeted concepts Obtain the Overall Concept Make lists...
buckaress Almost 6 years ago