Be observed by your professional developer in person or by video conducting the Quality Assignment Routine, using the Cue-Do-Review process. Post the Cue-Do-Review Checklist from your professional developer.
observed by your professional developer in person or by video conducting the
Quality Assignment Routine, using the Cue-Do-Review process. Your professional
developer will use the Cue-Do-Review checklist, which you post as evidence.
If you would like to post your video to your credential (by posting a link to your video from Vimeo, YouTube, or another video hosting site) ensure that all permissions are in place or privacy settings are activated. Posted video will be viewable by anyone who views this credential. More than one video may be submitted to your professional developer for feedback or posted to your credential. The video should show the Cue-Do-Review process. Follow the Cue-Do-Review process outlined in the Cue-Do-Review Checklist.