Philena Hope

4. Describe your Coaching

Instruction Implementation

  • April 28, 2018 at 5:35 AM
  • Visible to public
Fortunately, the teacher I coached for the Frame Routine has a common planning time so we were able to meet ahead of time to coordinate the lesson:  The lesson was conducted in an inclusion setting; beginning of class as a warm up.  Student engagement was high and they were very confident in their answers and were excited to participate in filling out the Frame during the warm up and then extend the Frame Routine to incorporate a rotation station lab on Mirrors and Lenses.  

Challenges during instruction of the Frame; Some of the students demonstrated difficulty keeping the pace of the filling in answers on the Frame.  One way we determined to problem-solve this issue, moving forward, was to provide specific students a frame that is partially filled in so they may have a completed Frame at the end of the warm up while contributing and participating with the classroom discussion.