Carolyn Hoyt

5. Describe Their Implementation

Helpful Tip: Don't use a blank frame

  • September 11, 2017 at 7:42 PM
  • Visible to public
After talking with a colleague about note-taking techniques, I simply said that I use frames to introduce concepts. When she said that she did not like using frames, I simply asked why.   She said that it takes too long for the kids to fill in the boxes.  I was confused.  I showed her how I use the Framing Routine.  I give the students a partially-filled-in frame to work with.  The students highlight the topic, highlight the key words in the :is about' section, and highlight key words in the main idea sections.  I leave out key words for the students to fill in (like cloze notes), as well.  I also write math problems to coincide with the topic of the frame.  This allows the students the opportunity to apply math concepts.  She liked this idea, tried it, and saw how well it worked.  She was not impressed with the time it took to prepare, but realized it was worth it in the end. :)