Ruby Voss

4. Use the Frame Routinely

Wow! The results of using the Framing Routine regularly surprised me!

  • April 10, 2023 at 12:15 PM
  • Last updated almost 2 years ago
  • Visible to public
I began using the Framing Routine incorrectly. I was just using the Frame as a way to put important information into an easy-to-use resource to use as Specially Designed Instruction, then I realized that utilizing the entire routine made a huge difference. 

I used the routine in our co-taught classroom for topics that required reteaching. Topics that were not grasped by 50-60% of our students, the first time we taught it, so we turned to the Framing Routine.

I was explicit about the use of the FRAME and asked questions to be certain that students understood the steps and what was required of them. I cued students by having them get out their blue FRAME folder. The students get excited each time and volunteer to help us complete the Frame. Our students came up with interesting and often "out of the box" ideas for the So What section. Students were encouraged to complete and use Frames for their tests each Friday. The Frames could be used the week they were introduced. After the first week, the Frames stayed in the Blue Frame folders but students could take a break to revisit them. 

Students were thrilled to see that completing Frames, using their Frames, and revisiting their Frames made a difference in their grades, understanding, and retention. Currently, we have designed and completed 11 Frames together as a class for topics that students found hard to grasp initially. Frames are no longer just SDI used in small groups, although they continue to be used for practice in small groups.