Dana Cooper

4. Use the Frame Routinely

Use the FRAME Routinely

  • January 26, 2018 at 9:47 AM
  • Visible to public
Co-Taught Civics allows for our students to apply the strategies of the FRAME Routines, through guided/independent or small group opportunities.  We are using the FRAME Routine to introduce new topics. The students co-construct a FRAME and then use the FRAME to determine the "So What?" statement.   Generally, we use the FRAME to introduce new material. Our students can use the FRAMEs as a study tool to prepare for unit and end of year assessments. Our struggling students often have difficulty sorting through all the information covered to really pinpoint what is “most important” to study for their tests. Second semester we plan to have students create FRAMEs on their own to help them identify key information from their notes. As we are move into the second semester of school, we hope students will become proficient with the FRAME Routine.