Presenting the diagram itself was fairly simple. We followed the steps in the manual and used a partially completed diagram as an example. We discussed alternatives to the definitions we had prepared, and overall, the diagram seems to fit well with the concept of figurative language. One of the best examples of success is the connection we think this breakdown of imagery will develop for students between how they analyze someone else's writing and how they create their own descriptive writing. That can be a challenge, but I'm sure this will illuminate that light bulb for many! A difficulty that we overcame was deciding among the three of us the clearest terminology to use when teaching it to the class; however, since it's an advanced class, we determined that the students will suggest some great examples on their own.
Here is the link to the Concept Diagram for Strong Imagery that we used in our lesson:
Here is the link to the Concept Diagram for Strong Imagery that we used in our lesson: