Amy Hodges
Hidden Valley Middle School
March 6, 2017
VDOE Co-Teaching Excellence
Concept Diagram Implementation Portfolio:
In our second block English 8 class, we have seven
students with disabilities. One student
becomes overwhelmed easily, and she will need assignments
reduced. We have several students who
struggle with staying on task. We have been studying
essay writing vigorously in this class, and Mr. Hall and I implemented the
concept diagram to reinforce the written expression/composition
expectations of an essay. During the co-construction
phase, students were engaged and making
meaningful connections. The following days, students were
still able to recall essential characteristics of
the concept diagram which was very exciting for Mr. Hall
and me. Mr. Hall and I will be
using the concept diagram this week to reinforce the
usage/mechanics expectations of essay writing.
We plan to further implement the Concept Mastery Routine with key
concepts for reading, such as theme and tone.