Kristin Lentz

1. Date and Reflection

Received training on 12/5/18 at PaTTAN - Harrisburg, PA

  • December 5, 2018 at 10:48 AM
  • Visible to public
In this session we learned how to implement the Concept Comparison Routine. By following the mnemonic, COMPARING, we learned how to both teach and complete a Concept Comparison Devise.  We started by choosing and Communicating the concepts we would be comparing, next we Obtained a title for the overall concept, then we worked on Making lists of known characteristics, after that we Pinned down like characteristics and Assembled them into groups of like categories, next we Recorded the unlike characteristics and Identified them into groups of unlike categories. In the Final two steps, we Nailed down a summary of the comparisons and developed an extension project for the students to, Go Beyond the Basics.  Now we are ready to take this routine and share it with our identified class.