Concept Anchoring Routine (FI)

6. Submit a Log

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated July 28, 2020 at 9:39 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
Log: •What went well - Why? •What was a challenge - Why? •What you will do next time •What adjustments you made •Ideas generated for issues encountered •Etc._Post your log._*****Optional: Submit a Student Interview (interview a student about usefulness and implementation)*****

All posted evidence

Framing routines were done 5-7 different times between January and May.

We used polygon frame to review for benchmark test again. Then students constructed a frame for the division procedures needed to complete long division. Students constructed a frame to classify quadrilateral. 
jgwaltney Over 6 years ago

See below:

What went well - Why? Some students benefited from a partially completed frame so that they were able to fill in the blanks instead of writing all of the texts. The students really seemed to enjoy and understand the main idea of what we were doing. 
•What was a challenge - Why? Individual student pace made it hard for everyone to keep up. 
•What you will do next time- Instead of completing the whole Frame at one time, split it up between different days. 

allisonold7 Almost 7 years ago

See below.

  • Some children benefited most from a partially completed framework (fill in the blank).
  • Some children benefited from a partially completed Framing Routine (with main ideas noted).
  • Individual student pace was a challenge.
  • Next time, we would not do the Framing Routine in its entirety; we would split the main ideas over multiple days.
lisadilorenzo Almost 7 years ago