Clarifying Routine (PL)

1. Date and Reflection

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  • Last updated July 28, 2020 at 9:30 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
Please list the date of your professional development session and post any reflections you'd like to share.

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Real Co-Teachers of Virginia Academy – July 15, 2022.

I am looking forward to taking what I learned at the academy and implementing in my classroom. 
manderson About 2 years ago

Date: June 24, 2019 Place: SPI Biology Academy (James Madison University) Presenters: Chuck Blevins and Leslie Murphy-Brown

stovestuckerlg Almost 3 years ago

Professional Development Session on March 24, 2021. Instructor: Diane C. Gilliam

barbarag1 Almost 4 years ago

August 22 2017 I met with my co-teacher and Judith Fontana to receive PD on LINCS. We participated in a mock lesson of the LiNC strategy.

akwinn Over 7 years ago

I participated in the Adobe Meeting for our SIM training on the FRAME on Thursday, August 24, 2017.

Our students will benefit greatly from constructing Frames on curriculum topics.  The Frame will help them understand new key topics and what is important about them. ThenIt allows them to build a foundation for learning more information at a deeper level.  I like how in training, we chunked the graphic organizer.  We divided the Frame into three manageable sections.  I plan on doing it that way with my students.  It is vital to create these Frames with our students.  This interactive process is conducive to purposeful class discussions.  Framing is a simple, yet powerful tool.  
alsanson Over 7 years ago

The Vocabulary LINCing workshop was a very helpful workshop. Many ideas and techniques that were given can be used with instruction.

I participated in the Vocabulary LINCing professional development on July 19, 2017.  This workshop was very beneficial for me and my co-worker. We received various ideas to incorporate new strategies with our vocabulary instruction in our classrooms.  Vocabulary is such an important part of instruction in all subject areas.  Our small groups have just gotten started and we are excited to implement some of the LINCing ideas that we brought back with us.
bmjones Over 7 years ago

I was provided training on August 29, 2017 with Chris Frawley.

My co-teacher and I have many different ideas to use the Frame in our classroom. We can see it being used in all subject areas. We started school last week and have not had the opportunity to use the Framing Routine. 
klball38 Over 7 years ago

Lincing Routine Evidence

July 18th and 19th 2017 were the dates of my training in the Vocabulary LINCING Routine.  I am excited to use this in the classroom as it is important that students learn important math vocabulary.
pattymandy3 Over 7 years ago

Attended Professional Development Training on June 29, 2017, learning the Framing Routine at the Math Co-teaching Institute at JMU.

I will be implemented these routines in my upcoming lessons this year in Math 8 and Algebra 1 classes.  These framing routine should be very helpful in the students learning and remembering their vocabulary for this upcoming year.  Also will work on having the students do graphic organizers this year. 
wbill2222 Over 7 years ago

Professional Development was completed on July 19th at the VDOE Co-Teaching Conference.

pjhope Over 7 years ago

Professional Development was completed on July 19th at the VDOE Co-Teaching Conference.

lisadilorenzo Over 7 years ago

Professional Development was completed on July 19th at the VDOE Co-Teaching Conference. I Plan to use the Framing Routine this year.

allisonold7 Over 7 years ago