Papers and PublicationsPlease include any papers or publications you would like to share as evidence of your thought leadership as an SAE Fellow. Feel free to post a link or upload the paper as a document upload. More Info |
Frank A Pintarfpintar |
Frederick L Dryerfldryer112 |
Gautam KalghatgiKalghatgi |
Gen ShibataGen |
George E. TottenGETotten |
George Marshall MolenGMMolen |
Giorgio Rizzonigiorgiorizzoni |
Guoming Zhuguomingzhu |
Gursaran D. MathurGDMathur2004 |
H. Robert (Bob) WelgeSAEBadge |
Hai-Ying ChenHYCFellow |
Hao Huanghao_huang |
Thomas Wallnertwallner |
Yasuo MoriyoshiYasuo |
Yucong Wangyucongwang |
tang-wei kuoBLTWK001 |