Bryan Dodson

Papers and Publications


  • January 26, 2018 at 12:05 AM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
  • The 2014 ENBIS Best Presentation with Industrial Focus.  Awarded for presentation of "Effect of Average Cycle Time and Cycle Time Variation on Inventory, Asset Utilization and Throughput for a Multi-Station Manufacturing Channel."
  • SAE Excellence in Oral Presentation Award.  Awarded for 2012 World Congress presentation of “An Engineering Alternative to Statistically Designed Acceptance Tests."
  • SAE (2004) Forest R. McFarland for outstanding technical leadership.
  • Visteon Leading the Way Award (2003) for developing and implementing a global product development quality process.
  • Visteon Quality Award (2004) for leading the warranty reduction team. Visteon Quality Award (2002) for leading the team that developed Six Sigma training and the Design for Six Sigma Program.
  • Ford Global Excellence Award for leading the best (of 108 teams) High Mileage Reliability project team in 2000.
  • Continental Global Excellence Award (2000) for leading statistical problem solving teams.
    Ford Global Excellence Award (1999) for Continental Teves ABS warranty performance over a five year period.
  • Continental Global Outstanding Performance Award (1999) for leading the development of a global reliability data intranet.