3-D Power Point Design

Build a Composite Object (Alt-lightcycle)

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  • Last updated January 30, 2018 at 2:52 PM by balicea
  • Evidence only visible to badge awarders
Build a composite object that resembles the one in Steps 4 and/or 5. We will be building two versions of a lightcycle with Altmetric donuts for wheels. Once you have something that resembles the image in Step 4 and/or 5, export a .png file and submit.

1) create Altmetric donut wheels. Create a ring, extrude with an edge (provide depth), and tile with Altmetric donut image.

create a oval shape (oblong body) and cut at window. Join or cut two wheel wells and desired. Cut rear end of oval if desired. Use "merge shapes" tool to style the body.

3) align body and wheels before tilting to perspective. Modify shape as needed.

tilt body and wheels into perspective. Align and reshape accordingly.

5) Make body partially transparent, tilt body and wheels into perspective, create copies of the front and rear wheels and send to back. 
Align and reshape accordingly.