OpenWorm Simulation Stack Apprentice

Use Docker Tools

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  • Last updated May 23, 2018 at 6:28 AM by cheewai1972
  • Evidence visible to public
Install Docker on your machine. Follow the documentation instructions ( to produce output. Upload image file worm_motion_1.png that got generated in the output folder.
Please follow the instructions up to and including the label "Running" -

Look for the file worm_motion_1.png in the output folder created after running the tools. Upload this file as evidence.

All posted evidence

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benjamin-f Almost 3 years ago

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dylan-park Over 3 years ago

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dstein29 About 4 years ago

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mansurz01 Over 4 years ago

Wow it took a lot of time!

karthik-dulam Over 4 years ago

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carlosgg Over 4 years ago

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stephen-jonany Almost 5 years ago

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noah-w Almost 5 years ago

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guptahemant65 About 5 years ago

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jaideep_seth Over 5 years ago

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lu-zhu Over 5 years ago

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vlin Over 5 years ago