OpenWorm Simulation Stack Apprentice

Minor Parameter Changes

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated May 23, 2018 at 6:39 AM by cheewai1972
  • Evidence visible to public
Run the simulation for twice as long (30ms) as described in the documentation ( Upload the new worm_motion_1.png image generated in the new output folder.
Use the first instruction under "Advanced" to run the simulation for twice as long at 30ms instead of 15ms.
./ -d 30

Upload the new worm_motion_1.png image generated in the new output folder. This should show up in the form of a folder with a different (later) trailing time-stamp. The new image should have a chart header that indicates a run duration of 30 ms instead of the default 15ms.

All posted evidence

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andrei-petrea 21 days ago

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lizhuoxuan About 1 month ago

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lizhuoxuan About 1 month ago

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d-januszkiewicz 3 months ago

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white-head 3 months ago

It lives again!

perweij About 1 year ago

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willocn About 1 year ago

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chendrix99 Almost 2 years ago

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qianpeng-li About 2 years ago

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bryan-brickman Over 2 years ago

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raghul-kannan Over 2 years ago

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zhang-oscar Over 2 years ago