Sarah Titus



  • December 15, 2021 at 5:38 AM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link

How do you experience privilege and marginalization? 

I am a middle-age, middle-class White, heterosexual woman. I experience Privilige due to my skin color as well as my socio-economic status, sexuality and age.  The only marginalized group that I fall into is as a woman, however since I work in a female dominated career with a salary, I don't find that I am marginalized much in my workplace either.

Who sees themselves and their own lives reflected in our curriculum and our classroom materials? 

In our classrooms and curriculum, middle-class white children will see themselves reflected in the majority of our materials and curriculum.  WHile our district is working to improve this with a more divers curriclum and materials, it is a long and expensive road.

How might you use your own privilege to make your classroom and school more equitable?

I use my privilege to seek out an obtain diverse resources for our school.  I also participate on a Curriculum Review for ELA as well as a committee to approvemore diverse secondary texts to put in the hands of our students.