Sarah Titus

Questions for Self-Reflection

Self Reflection

  • March 7, 2022 at 11:05 AM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
Where have I seen evidence of inequities and systemic andstructural racism in my school or community?
     Sadely, I see evidnce of inequities and systemic structural racism every day.  For example I have spent 16 years teaching special education in a school district that has been cited by NYS for a disproportionate number of black students with disabilities receiving suspensions.  SO why does this it that black boys are receiving more referrals, and if so, why?  Is it their behaviors or how the referals were written?  If it is behaviors, how can we better support these students prior tobehaviors occuring?  This is now the basis of my work as an Instructional Leader for SEL and Equity.  I also see this in my community specifically in the area of redlining.  Once redlining was 'stoped', all the problems do not just stop with it, and we need to make systemic changes inorder to right these wrongs.

What changes or actions can I take to advance equity in my
home, school, and community?

     I am a board member of a non-for profit organization in my area, focused on Equity and resources in my community.  I also privide professional learning on the topics surrounding equity and I do not shy away from the difficult conversations.  My family and I have conversations at dinner regarding current events and I strive to be anti-racists, not just 'not' racist.  We must take action and raise awareness in order to make change in our homes, schools and community.