Jo Co Growth Mindset Application Credential Public

JCPS Certified Staff

This credential is an extension of the Spring Early Release Learning Series

Required Evidence

Growth Mindset Foundations (Module 1)

Growth Mindset Foundations From the initial learning presentation slides complete one of the following: More Info

Growth Mindset Social Application

Please link or attach an artifact of how you have implemented what you learned in this training OR a plan for how you will implement your learning with students or staff. More Info

Student Growth Mindsets

After selecting a strategy to use in class please provide a brief description of the strategy and a video of it being implemented in an appropriate environment. More Info

Ongoing Reflection/Improvement

Invite at least 3 others into room to provide feedback specifically on classroom culture of mindset, submit feedback and reflection on feedback. More Info

Badge Overview

How will it work?
This offering is a blended model, meaning there is opportunity for face-to-face instruction through the early release days, as well as online learning between sessions.  
The content delivered during the face-to-face will be foundational to the additional optional activities you can complete online. These online activities will also focus on the Digital Learning Competencies which are now required by the state for renewal starting in June 2019.

At the conclusion of the learning series, you will receive credit for the face-to-face sessions (.6 CEUs). If you finish the online extension activities, you will earn 1 Digital Learning Competency CEU as well as a micro-credential for this area! 

What are the goals of this Learning Series?
  • In the Growth Mindset Classroom Application Series you will....
    • Determine and practice strategies for identifying and responding to “fixed” mindset statements
    • Identify and practice strategies for creating a classroom culture of growth mindset
    • Apply strategies to the classroom environment, and receive feedback on implementation
What you will learn in the Face to Face?
  • In the Growth Mindset Classroom Application Series you will....
    • Learn strategies used in classrooms across the district
    • Identify strategies that can be applied in your classroom/environment
    • Receive coaching and feedback on your implementation of your strategies
What Digital Learning Competencies Standards will be addressed in the Micro-Credential?
  • Each component of the online portion will have: 1) Initial Learning, 2) Implementation, and 3) Reflection elements.  In order to earn the credit you will be expected to complete all the elements for each component.
  • In the Micro-Credential portion of this Learning Series you will address the following Digital Learning Competencies…
    • Leadership in Digital Learning:  Promote open, lifelong learning as an iterative process of success, failure, grit, and perseverance.
What are the submission guidelines & evaluation criteria?
(GM 0) Foundations
  • Determine if statements are Growth or Fixed.  If fixed, change to be growth.
    • Evaluation criteria:  Statements are accurately answered.
  • Submit Mindset Classroom Norms, Student Behaviors, & Teacher Behaviors.  
    • Evaluation Criteria:  Norms and Behaviors are complete.
(GM 1) Social Application
  • Answer reflection questions based on talking back to our own and others’ fixed mindset statements.
    • Describe one situation where you heard a fixed mindset statement and pushed back by modeling a growth mindset or with a growth mindset statement.  What was the statement?  How did you respond specifically?  How did the other person react?
      • Evaluation Criteria:  Reflection shows authentic modeling and/or pushback statement, and deeper level analysis of reactions.
    • What impact did you response have on the situation?
      • Evaluation Criteria:  Reflection shows authentic analysis of impact.
(GM 2) Student Mindset
  • Submit video of one student conference, student-led, with student setting their own goals.
    • Evaluation Criteria:  Student authentically  leading the conversation and setting their own goals can be observed in video.
(GM 3) Ongoing Improvement
  • Invite at least 3 others into room to provide feedback specifically on classroom culture of mindset, submit feedback and reflection on feedback.
    • Evaluation Criteria:  Reflection demonstrates authentic analysis of areas of possible growth and possible action steps.

Badge Experts

Badge Learners


Amanda Johnson


Joined badge on 3/26/18

Ann Cozzocrea


Joined badge on 4/23/18

Faith Jackson


Joined badge on 4/3/18

Gail Gray


Joined badge on 4/20/18

Jennifer Roberts


Joined badge on 3/11/18

Jessica Crawford


Joined badge on 3/29/18

Kari Williams


Joined badge on 3/29/18

Lisa Constantelos


Joined badge on 3/7/18