
Use crowdsourcing in a project

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  • Last updated November 17, 2017 at 9:56 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
Provide a one paragraph write about how you used crowdsourcing in a project and what you learned. Defined as: "The practice of obtaining information or input into a task or project by enlisting the services of a large number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically via the Internet."

All posted evidence

As part of the Global Cities Initiative "Global Identity Project" Jeanine Duncliffe and I have collected input from several public events

We have used the data we gathered to inform a "narrative matrix" of identity elements for Louisville. This has included both long form interviews with people from several industries (including Louisville CVB and Sports Commission, along with corporate and community partners) and short-format responses at public events (Festivals, etc). 

I categorized the short form responses to generate word clouds for a working group session a few weeks ago. Major elements included concepts like "Family, home, kindness, compassion"
charlesjhelms Over 5 years ago

We have used the data we gathered to inform a "narrative matrix" of identity elements for Louisville.Major elements "Family, home, kindness"

charlesjhelms Over 5 years ago

Collected public input for the Brookings Global Cities Initiative--Global Identity Project

As an extension of Louisville's partnership with the Brookings Institution, Louisville Forward is participating in the Global Identity Project. The goal of the project is to identify a distinctive identity for the city of Louisville that can used to inform and coordinate marketing and promotional efforts across the full range of Louisville's economic, governmental, and civil society sectors. 

Our process for identifying that identity has been multifaceted and has relied on public input throughout. Examples include focus groups ("Advisory Group") that have discussed aspects of the project in great detail, public outreach (setting up tables at community events to elicit spontaneous input), and small group sessions to do deep dives on narrow elements requiring further understanding. 

In addition to participation in all advisory group and public outreach sessions to date, I also organized and executed a public outreach session in tandem with Develop Louisville's 18th Street re-alignment/9th Street redesign public outreach. Follow up included tabulating and producing visualizations of the responses. 
charlesjhelms Almost 6 years ago

Created survey for citizens to submit their feedback on the public website.

This feedback was used to guide development and feature creation on
mattgolsen Almost 6 years ago

Electric Vehicle Charging Map

I worked with Andrew McKinney and the Drive Clean Louisville team to create a crowdsourced map of where people want to get electric vehicle charging stations installed. We received over 300 responses from the response and have gotten good feedback from industry partners on it. 

We learned the various locations that people think that we need to put an EV charger. For example, we know that out of all of the places selected, the Big Four Bridge was by far and away the most popular site to locate an EV charger.
ed-blayney Almost 6 years ago

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Location Suggestions.

Our group designed and built an application that allows the public to suggest new locations for Electric Vehicle charging stations. Drive Clean Louisville team developed a survey that asks questions pertaining to knowledge and ownership of Electric Vehicles. Once the survey is complete the option to go to the crowdsource map appears.

Link to map below.

amckinney Over 6 years ago