
Share your learning goals.

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  • Last updated September 13, 2017 at 4:35 PM
  • Evidence visible to public
Write a sentence or two about what you want to learn from #library2017

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One of the professional goals I set for myself this fall is to learn more about current library trends.

As the single librarian of a small academic library, it's important to me to make an effort to learn and network virtually. I also find it fascinating that some libraries have great success with certain tools or approaches while others find the same tools less useful. Further, trends in public and academic libraries tend to differ significantly, but I think each can inform the other: makerspaces is one of these crossover trends. 

I'm hoping to hear how makerspaces have worked in smaller institutions, and what the alternatives are to designating a whole permanent space; perhaps theme days or terms would work just as well?
katja Over 7 years ago


I am hoping to learn how to bring a makerspace to my library for a low/budgeted cost.
jenlem80 Over 7 years ago

Funding support for new programs is always a key factor in a program's success.

Knowing what grants are out there and available for libraries looking to create a Makerspace programs within their facilities is a great takeaway.

vblackmer Over 7 years ago

I have been doing Makerspace Mondays in the middle school library. Would like to take it to the next level of student projects.

msharon Over 7 years ago

I would like to gain tips on how to shift my library's makerspace usage from consumption to creation.

My library is currently home to a constantly-growing 3D print lab, and it is extremely popular. However, we have noticed that the vast majority of projects submitted are not designed by patrons, but downloaded from websites such as Thingiverse. As such, we are interested in programs,services, and general tips to encourage them to use the tools provided to learn and create something new, rather than replicate someone else's work. 
kmcginness Over 7 years ago

Learning Goals for Library2.0

My goals are to learn about MakerSpaces and the evolving roles of (1) the library and (2) the librarian. My school library is still being used as a "traditional" place where students come to borrow books and have "lessons", but my principal and I know that we need to move the vision outside that box. 
miko Over 7 years ago

Looking for ideas for using VR in a public library, and how tweens and teens use Makerspaces in general.

I'm looking for ideas for creating programs or other ways for patrons to access and interact with our library's VR system. I'm especially interested in tween and teen users, and I'll take note of any information about these age groups and how they use Makerspaces. 
marycd Over 7 years ago

Leading the way to district wide makerspaces in our media centers

I would like to gain some insight on getting started in promoting makerspaces in all of our schools on a limited budget. I work with media coordinators in a 1:1 district and their roles are rapidly changing. I want information and ideas on what others are doing to make this transformation happen and showing evidence that it is an effective learning tool for schools. 
karen-nichols Over 7 years ago

Funding is always an issue, so ideas for where to "find" money, or where to get donations of items.

libdragon Over 7 years ago

I need all the ideas, suggestions, and how-tos to get started and hope to find them here today.

libdragon Over 7 years ago

I would like to learn how to create a Makerspace in a Middle School Media Center.

libdragon Over 7 years ago

Want to be able to take away ideas for starting a makerspace in a Baltimore City public school Media Center.

  1. Want to be able to take away ideas for starting a makerspace in a Baltimore City public school Media Center.  
  2. Looking for funding opportunities
  3. Ideas, lesson seeds, etc

mrslemmo Over 7 years ago