Badge Builder

Award Badge

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated April 4, 2018 at 7:15 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
Post a link to the logs of two people you've awarded the badge to. Badges want to belong to people. Award the badge to people who have posted great evidence and really earned the badge you've created. Remember, a meaningful credential shows evidence of learning and/or engagement.

How to award a badge:

There are two ways to award a badge:
  1. Invite someone as a learner:  Go to the badge, scroll down to the Badge Learners section and click the Invite Learners button.  Learners will receive an invitation to join the badge and submit learning evidence at which point you can issue them the badge.
  2. Award the badge right away:  Go to the badge, scroll down to the Badge Experts section and click the "Award the Badge" button.  This will award the badge immediately without requiring the awardee to submit any evidence first.

All posted evidence

No one has submitted evidence for this requirement yet.