Sharon Dow

Generate statements (ddl) to create all objects

DDL Statements to create objects:

  • October 24, 2018 at 1:07 PM
  • Visible to public
DDL Statements to create objects:     create or replace table teacher (     teach_id int primary key,     name varchar(50),     salary decimal(6,0)     );     create or replace table grade (     id int primary key,     student_id int,     teacher_id int,     term_id int,     grade_varchar varchar(40),     grade_num int,     status varchar(10),    subject_id int,    foreign key (teacher_id) references teacher(teach_id),     foreign key (student_id) references student(student_id),     );   create or replace table student (     student_id int primary key,     student_name varchar(40),     creditsearned decimal(5,2),    dob datetime     );