HL7 FHIR® ProficientPlease list the following: (1.) Your full name as it appears on your certificate, (2.) Year of certification, and (3.) Country of residence during certification. More Info |
Andrew Stevensastevens37 |
Andy Harrisonarharrison |
Aneez Zakariaaneezzakaria |
Anil Nallaveettilnallaveettil |
Anil Nereaniln |
Anju Philipanjuphilip53 |
Antonio IglesiasAntonioIglesias |
Antonio José Crespo Arjonaantoniocrespo |
Anupam Banerjeaanupambanerjea |
Anupama Krishnankanupama |
Anurag BhattAnurag-Bhatt |
Apurva Nayaknayakaapurva |
Kresimir KersKresimir-Kers |