HL7 FHIR® ProficientPlease list the following: (1.) Your full name as it appears on your certificate, (2.) Year of certification, and (3.) Country of residence during certification. More Info |
Koushiki Suriraghav23 |
Kresimir KersKresimir-Kers |
Krishnamoorthi Govindankrishnamoorthi |
Kristaps GintersGincha |
Kritika SijapatiKritikaSijapati |
Kwasi AgyemanKwasi-Agyeman |
Lachezar GorchevLA40 |
Larry Bearkingmatoyatapika |
Laura Lanfordllanford |
Laxmi SinghLaxmi16 |
Leah Felisminoleahfe12 |
Li-Hui LeeLi-Hui-Lee |
Abhishek Vishwas KadamAbhiKadam |
Amitkumar ChaurasiyaAmit123 |
Giorgos Adamidesgadami01 |
Health Levelhealthlevel |