Katherine Boggs

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?

FBA: What, Why, and Who?

  • May 14, 2024 at 4:20 PM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
A Functional Behavioral Assessment is a very thorough look at a student's problem behavior. The FBA specifically defines the behavior. There is a period of data collection during which the behavior is recorded in regards to its duration, frequency, and intensity. The antecedents and consequences of the behavior are also recorded. Adults who work with the student may be interviewed and the student may be able to provide information about what he/she is feeling when the problem behavior occurs. After the data is collected, the team analyzes the data to look for patterns and trends. The team makes their best guess as to what the function of the behavior is and then creates a behavior intervention plan to attempt to replace the behavior. 

An FBA may be used as part of a school evaluation for a Special Education classification. It may also be used with a classified student whose behavior is interfering with his/her learning. An FBA also may be legally required for a student with significant behaviors who is being suspended from school. It seems like an FBA is primarily used when a behavior is consistently and significantly impacting a student's learning.