Heather Pawlukiewicz

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?

An FBA is done by a school team to try and figure out why a behavior is happening.

  • January 27, 2021 at 6:42 AM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
An FBA gives a more complete picture or idea of why a student may be struggling with behaviors that could be impacting their education.  A team of school professionals will work on putting together an FBA when a student is displaying behavior that may be getting in the way of his or her education.  In an FBA the behavior is specifically defined.  Information is gathered and analyzed so as to answer questions like,  when and where is the behavior occurring?  How often is the behavior occurring?  Who is around? What is happening directly before and after the student displays the behavior.  After information is gathered a team of school professionals will work to find a reason of what´s causing the behavior.  Finally, the school psychologist or behavior specialist will create a BIP to teach and reward positive behaviors.  The FBA is generally used if part of a school evaluation for special education or if a student is disciplined or removed from a school.