Alana Byron

What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?

This article discusses what a Functional Behavior Assessment is, why they are useful tools and when it might be used.

  • November 19, 2020 at 8:41 AM
  • Visible to group members and anyone with the link
An FBA is an approach used to try and understand what a student is communicating when they are exhibiting maladaptive behaviors and to create a plan to help meet the needs of the student, diminish maladaptive behaviors, and replace with positive or wanted behaviors. FBA's are created by a team of individuals including a person trained in understanding behaviors. others on this team can include but are not limited to, teachers, staff, administrator, the family and the student involved. This team will together define what the behavior is, gather and analyze information, hypothesize a potential reason for the behavior and make a plan in hopes of a positive outcome. FBA's are most frequently used when a students behavior is deemed as such that it is getting in the way of learning, in some cases when a student is disciplined or removed from school, or if a student's family requests an FBA be completed.