Badge Idea Maker

Submit your idea

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated July 26, 2015 at 9:04 AM
  • Evidence visible to public
Use the text box to submit your idea for a badge. It can be anything tech-related, including websites, iPad apps, chrome extensions, training and professional development opportunities, etc.

All posted evidence

Use Lexile score to make seating chart

Use Lexile information, i.e. reading level, from school sis system to create a heterogeneous seating chart.  Using the lexile scores to help determine seating charts should assist limited readers in the pair-share format.  Access to this information for Language Arts teachers should be simple, share information out with other interested teachers at staff meetings.  
mikeblois Over 7 years ago

What about using Badges to show progress towards the Google Educator Certification Skills.

There are many skills and a test to becoming a Google Certified Educator Level 1 and Level 2
But what if you want to focus on just one set of skills/tools.  Could there be Badges that could motivate you to master one of the tools or skills.   And then after you have received so many different badges... you'd be encouraged to keep on moving forward and eventually to take the list for Google Educator Level 1 Certification. 
ldelabruere Almost 8 years ago

New badge idea...

Discovery Education Explorer...
jamieturnage About 8 years ago

User group, requirements and badge

Novice Reader Badge

I think badges for instructional strategies like formative assessments or student conversation would be great.

gatorgitl7067 Over 8 years ago

CUE Badger! I created a badge at the CUE conference!

kbootsma Almost 9 years ago

Video Badge Diigo Badge Flipped Video: Actively Learn

Video Badge: Create a Video
Diigo Badge; Create a Diigo account with 3 links
Make a flipped lesson and share a link of your vid here
Use Actively Learn
miltology Over 9 years ago