Student in the Virtual ClassroomPlease provide a screenshot that shows you have added students to a class that you have created. More Info |
Posts and ConversationsProvide a screenshot that shows you have added a statement, question, writing prompt etc in the Post section and request that students reply. This is like asking a question in class and having a student(s) answer. More Info |
Files Section ScreenshotPlease share a screenshot of the Files page which shows you have files, templates, resources, etc. that you are sharing. More Info |
AssignmentCreate an assignment (to be graded) to get to know your students! Provide a screenshot that shows the assignment has been assigned with a respective due date and grading option (full grade or rubric). More Info |
Teams QuizTake a screenshot of your Microsoft Forms quiz confirmation page and upload it as an artifact. More Info |
Megan PradoMeganPrado |
Melissa Guzmanmaguzman |
Melissa Hernandezmh2319 |
Michael Seguramichael93 |
Michelle FuentesMica |
Miriam MartinezMrmartinez |
Miriam MartinezMiriam-Martinez |
Monica Ruizmaruiz |
Nalda Salemnsalem |
Norma Barbanbarba |
Oralia Gomezoralia15 |
Oscar T. Galdeanoogaldeano |
Donnie Shortdshort1 |
Dorothy CastilloCastillo |
Eric Casillasericcasillas |
Estela OlivarezEstela01 |
Ethan Penaethanjay |
Gabriel LopezCoachLopez |
Gabriel PintorMadSax33 |
Genevieve GuerraGGuerra1587 |
Gilbert RoelRoel |
Goldie DadyDady |
Graciela Martinezgmartinez |
Ida Turrubiatese041563 |