Infographic/Digital Poster1. Consider where technology will fit in the classroom and its usefulness 2. Consider learning strategies that could be present in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field 3. Add these aspects to your infographic/digital poster from the Facilitator Feat badge More Info |
Rebecca Brandesrbrandes |
Rebekah DeGrawradegraw |
Riley Zimmerrzimmer4 |
Ryan Oppyoppyry |
Samantha McGuiredaughtermcguire |
Sara BenderSBender |
Sean MalloySean-Malloy |
Stephanie Czarneckisczarnecki |
Ty SheahanTySheahan |
Veronica StarrettVStarrett |
Vicki Van MatreChirpChirp96 |
Whitney Sheltonwlshelton |
Michael MickMichael-Mick |
Morgan GetzMgetz2 |
Morgan RogersMorgan-Rogers |
Nathan Valdeznavaldez2 |
Nelly DeVaultnelly24 |
Peggy Ricepsrice |
Penny CraigDrPCraig |
Rebecca Brownrdbrown2 |
Ryan SurguyRyan-Surguy |
Samantha Kingsame |
Sean Jonesjones_sean |
Stacey GourleyStacey-Gourley |