ProductPick and reflect on an artifact that proves you have the skills, knowledge, and dispositions represented by the badge. More Info |
Metacognitive ReflectionWrite a reflection piece that describes the physical and mental steps you took to complete the product and explain how you can apply something you learned earning this badge outside of school, in another class, and/or in another experiment. More Info |
Kyle K.Kylkinge899 |
Langley RLangleyr |
Leandra H.leandraheyveld |
Leslie GLesgutie286 |
Lesly Lopez Avilaleslopez906 |
Leyla mejiaLeylamejia1 |
Liliana VLilvalle024 |
Lissette ROLiz47 |
Liv L.LivLestrange |
Liz GLizG |
Lucas PLucasJP |
Mackenzie LudwigMackenzie5025 |
Reese HodgeReese-Hodge |
Rendell Andre E.Renestac240 |
Riley stephanRiley_stephan32 |
Robbie C Jrrobcoull829 |
Robbie Herrerarh51201 |
Robin Navarrorobnavar248 |
Rosa MartinezRosmarti787 |
Ruby CRubclase087 |
Ryan WestRyan-West |
Samantha BenitezSamantha_1 |
Samuel PolizziSamuel-Polizzi |
Sean HermanSeaHerma281 |