Self-Directed 2


Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated February 5, 2017 at 10:44 AM by alec_barron
  • Evidence only visible to badge awarders
Pick and reflect on an artifact that proves you have the skills, knowledge, and dispositions represented by the badge.
Required Artifacts

1. A notebook entry that documents your attempt to replicate the results of another individual’s published experiment or demonstration.
While carrying out the investigation, document:
  • How you read a protocol and followed it to produce a replication
  • How you planned steps to get to a solution, including the time management aspect
  • Who you communicated with for help
2.  A validation form signed by a professional (i.e., teacher or industry mentor) that says your lab notebook effectively demonstrates you have successfully documented replicating the experiment or demonstration.
Validation form:

Rubric for notebook entry:

Coming soon.