ProcessPick and reflect on an artifact that illustrates the strategies you used to be successful in a task. More Info |
ProductPick and reflect on an artifact that proves you have the skills, knowledge, and dispositions represented by the badge. More Info |
Metacognitive ReflectionWrite a reflection that explains how learning the skills, knowledge, and dispositions in this badge make you a better practicing scientist. More Info |
Daisy VDaisyv |
Daniel A.DanArroy |
Daniela RivasDaniela-Rivas |
Denise NDenise760 |
Deziree V.Deeezzzi |
Douglas HelmerDoughel7 |
Douglas Q.Doug06 |
Eli Eelie |
Eliza Pelizap |
Emily GallegosEmiGalle224 |
Evva Cevvac |
Ezra G.ezrgonza914 |
Haydee SanchezHaydeesr |
Isabella Sophia ArguilezBellaa |
Isaiah ParrisIsaiah24 |
Isaiah ParrisIsaiah-Parris |
Ishallie Dominguezishdomin |
Jackie alatorreJackiealatorre |
Jacqueline MedinaJacmedin291 |
Jasmine PepeJasmine01 |
Jason GJason-G |
Jennifer NJenniferN |
Jessica CJessica_Cuahu |
Jonathan VoJonathanVo |