Common Sense Education Certified Public

Campus High School PL

This badge indicates that the holder has completed the 1-hour Common Sense Education tutorial for teaching digital citizenship.

Required Evidence

Common Sense Education Certificate

Upload your pdf certification that you received upon completing the course. More Info

Badge Overview

To earn this badge:
1) follow this link to common sense education training:,
2) scroll down to "Digital Citizenship Training" and click on the green "Get Trained" button, 
3) click on the orange "Grades 9-12" button, 
4) complete the 1-hour tutorial,
5) upload the .pdf document of the certificate that you receive upon completion.

Badge Experts


Bruce Lolling


Created badge on 4/29/18

Jeremy Willig


Badge awarded on 10/2/18

Miranda Buff


Badge awarded on 11/16/18

Sabrina Shields


Badge awarded on 11/13/18

Tambra Owens


Badge awarded on 5/1/19

Badge Learners


Elissa Frank


Joined badge on 3/27/19