AVID Trained

Strand Summary/Reflection

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  • Last updated April 17, 2018 at 7:23 PM by brucelolling
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Describe your strand experience. What were some of the key strategies of the strand? What will you take back to your classroom?

All posted evidence

Best practices

Learned strategies for best practices of teaching.
cruhlen About 6 years ago

Interactive Notebook and incorporating Avid strategies

Table of Contents
Date on the right
Starter: Captures attention of student to start learning
Get students up and moving 
Cut and Paste pictures into the notebook
All Avid Strategies were incorporated, focused notetaking, etc.
tshimon Over 6 years ago

Utilized Strategies at the 9th and 10th grade level.

This training taught me methods for marking the text, previewing the text, extending beyond the text, and modifying Socratic Seminars. I also learned about 30-second expert and Cornell Notes.   I have utilized my training in teaching my students to mark the text, preview the text, extend beyond the text, write Cornell notes, and close read. I have utilized 30-Second Expert multiple times.
brookepritchett Over 6 years ago

Key Strategies

Implementation: I learned about...
-Cornell Notes
   --- How to use tutors
   --- What the process looks like
   --- How to ask questions and not tell students the answer
- Activities and Games to strengthen class bonds

Tutorology: I learned...
- How to deepen the process of tutorials
- Different ways to use my tutors

Advancing: I learned...
- What my focus will be during my students Junior year
- Ways to look for scholarships
kmcwilliams Over 6 years ago

In this strand, I learned a variety of writing and speaking activities.

The most useful takeaway was the realization that writing and speaking activities don't necessarily need to be assessment of learning, but activities to learn. I have already used a number of focus lessons from this training in my 9th and 10th grade classes.
sabrinashields Over 6 years ago

Learning to incorporate the WICOR Toolbox into the CTE content area.

We learned how to incorporate AVID into the CTE and College & Career Ready content areas by incorporating various strategies from the WICOR Toolbox.
jwillig Over 6 years ago

Learning to support AVID elective teachers teaching organizational skills, college preparedness as well as financial literacy.

jmichael Over 6 years ago


Critical Reading 1 (2016) Olathe
        This was my first experience with AVID. I found the strategies to be engaging. So much in professional development courses like this, teachers are told the theory, but not the practical purpose of the strategy. I was appreciative of the things I learned.

History/Social Science Through High Engagement Strategies (2017) Dallas
       This was my first experience attending a SI in Dallas. The energy with the sheer amount of people was pretty exciting. I was excited to learn more about AVID and some new strategies. I found some of the things repeated between Critical Reading and this strand, but I appreciate applying these strategies more towards Social Studies.

Implementation: Middle School and High School (2018) Dallas
      I decided to take on the AVID Elective for the next school year. I was familiar with a lot of the AVID strategies at this point, but I wanted to learn more about how to make the Elective successful. The first night I was very overwhelmed with the sheer amount of things to learn. I then became less overwhelmed through the three days. 
jacobditton Over 6 years ago

2016- Science 1-How to set up a Interactive Notebook 2018-Science 2-Going further on the interactive notebook

tshimon Over 6 years ago

Student Communication, Note Taking, Notebooks,...

I will use Student Communication (Turn and Talks, Shoulder Partners, Share-Outs,...) to help increase student involvement and proper vocabulary use in my classroom. I will help students develop more Note Taking skills so that their notes will be more meaningful, and useful to look back on for reviewing. Notebooks will be used in my classroom to help students stay organized as well as help them work on responsibility (keeping track of important things and due dates) and let them learn life lessons to help them in their futures math classes as well as in life.

wfinkle Over 6 years ago

Notes, notebooks, discussions

wfinkle Over 6 years ago

AVID strategies - especially poems.

AVID has changed everything that I do in my classroom. I utilize AVID strategies that I have picked up at various trainings on a weekly, if not daily basis. One of my very favorite strategies is using poems such as Acrostic or Bio poems. I love that it allows students to be creative while also providing structure.
cmeier Over 6 years ago