Coloring Book Artist

Show us your coloring book page!

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated June 27, 2017 at 9:06 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
Share an image of your coloring book page. If you created the page, feel free to upload an additional image after it has been colored. If you colored the page, show us your coloring skills! Tell us a bit about your creative process or experience in the description field.

All posted evidence

From a conversation on Twitter, I coloured in the resulting mashed-up 'skull' image. I added this to both coloured (and un coloured) books.


Wendy Taleo on Twitter

@sensor63 @ronald_2008 @dogtrax @telliowkuwp @NomadWarMachine @tutormentorteam #clmooc A contrapuntal composition.
wendy-taleo About 7 years ago

I remixed LeAnne's page putting the remixes in an Animoto video with a quote from Ron. Very fun.


Art Moves

clmooc MC1 2017 Color Pages and Applications Thanks to LeAnne Christoffel for initial image Slides at
sheri42 About 7 years ago

I created and shared a coloring page and created a HowTo create an outline drawing from a photograph using Suma Paint



HowTo use the Suma App to create a coloring page from a photo:
sheri42 About 7 years ago

I used and plan ol' paint to turn this Artist Trading Card into a coloring book page.

jdenslow About 7 years ago

Card by Kevin, coloured by me

nomadwarmachine About 7 years ago

Coloring book page created w/ free photo editor & online tutorial (see tweet for link)

lgzreader About 7 years ago

Turned Owen & @jasejz97 into a coloring book page for #CLMOOC using

lgzreader About 7 years ago

I took Robin's original mandala pattern from the CLMOOC Collaborative Coloring Book project and colored away.

dogtrax About 7 years ago