CLMOOC '17 Participant

Connected Learner Evidence

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated June 27, 2017 at 9:12 AM
  • Evidence visible to group members and anyone with the link
What did you learn from CLMOOC '17? Share any evidence of your participation and briefly describe how it demonstrates connected learning principles.

All posted evidence

I wrote about postcard project, and how the mailing of words, images and ideas is part of the "human" experience of CLMOOC, beyond summer.


#CLMOOC Postcards Are Human Connector Points

The second Make Cycle for CLMOOC (Connected Learning MOOC) now underway is centered on a postcard exchange between CLMOOC participants and how such offline connections are right in sync with online connections, and perhaps deepen those lines further than any online experience might.
dogtrax About 7 years ago

Google Plus Collection for My Favourite Things in CLMOOC. (#F5F) This collection helps me to collect, reflect and communicate with others.

wendy-taleo About 7 years ago

Postcard from Kevin coloured by me

nomadwarmachine About 7 years ago

I reflected publicly on badges in the classroom through my personal website. Hoping to inspire others to give them a try!

Lauren Zucker

Experimenting with Digital Badges in ELA

I've been tinkering with digital badges for a few years, but this spring marked my first effort to test them in the classroom. I'm still in an exploratory stage, but I wanted to share some initial reflections. What are Digital Badges? In a nutshell, badges are digital ways of recognizing accomplishments or skills.
lgzreader About 7 years ago

I wrote a blog post to explain how to apply for badges through Badgelist to display Connected Learning evidence publicly.


CLMOOC 2017 badges!

We've designed a series of badges that you can earn for each Make Cycle. Check our CLMOOC badges page on Badgelist and claim your badges any time throughout CLMOOC - we'll be adding badges at the start of each cycle . We just added this Coloring Book Artist badge for Make Cycle #1.
lgzreader About 7 years ago

I created this year's 2017 CLMOOC badges on Badgelist! I learned new skills by experimenting with to design badges.

lgzreader About 7 years ago

Using DreamScope for inspiration – Coloring book drawing