Expand the website you used for WordPress 1/3 and 2/3, demonstrating your ability to use all of the tools listed below. Provide a brief explanation of your project and post a link to the file.
Requirement Submission
Submit the date and name of the person who conducted your evaluation. View the list of evaluators here:
Demonstrate skill with:
- Child Themes
- know what a child theme is and why it is important to create one for your website
- Create a child theme based on your current theme
- Other WordPress Skills
- Choose at least 2 customizations from this blog (or other advanced WordPress changes! Make your site your own!): https://www.competethemes.com/blog/customize-wordpress-site/
- Here are a few I have found helpful for my personal use:
- Know how to create custom URLS for your pages/posts
- Know how to make your homepage "static"