WordPress - 1/3

2. Demonstrate Your Skills to an Evaluator

Only editable by group admins

  • Last updated June 18, 2020 at 5:32 PM by nwinders
  • Evidence only visible to badge awarders
Show your completed website to an evaluator and demonstrate your ability to use the tools listed below.

Requirement Submission

Submit the date and name of the person who conducted your evaluation. View the list of evaluators here: https://wiki.learnsoftware.org/current-sages/

Demonstrate skill with:

  • Registering a Domain
    • Register a domain by completing the BYU Domain Guide
    • Install WordPress on your domain
  • Themes
    • Install a theme to your website. You can use a default theme or find one elsewhere on the internet (there are thousands of free WordPress themes out there so try to go deeper than just choosing the first one you see!)
    • Try out 2-3 very different themes and note the differences between them. What is possible with one theme that isn't with another? (Hint: with WordPress you need to use CSS to fundamentally change a theme - this is helpful for patrons who may be struggling.)
    • Know about alternatives to WordPress such as Squarespace, Weebly, Wix, and the pros and cons of using each (cost, available functions, etc.)
    • Make at least one customization to your chosen theme
  • Posts/Pages
    • Create a menu of multiple pages
    • Create at least one post
    • Be prepared to explain the difference between
    • Add a Page Builder plugin to your website and learn about how it works. The below link has info about 10 different page builder plugins so you can use it to "shop" for what's best for you!
    • https://athemes.com/reviews/best-wordpress-page-builder-plugins-compared/
  • Other WordPress functions:
    • Add at least one picture and one video to your website
    • Use at least one widget
    • Install at least one plugin
    • Create a Contact page that uses an actual contact form, not just your email address typed out (Contact Form 7 is a good plugin for this)
    • Add you site to Google Analytics (there are a bajillion plugins that will do this for you) to track your site's visitors
    • Monetize your site in any way you chose. For example, you could use Google AdSense, Amazon's affiliate program, or sell your own services (be sure to include some way for visitors to pay you for your services; PayPal is an easy way to do so)