Meet with an evaluator or create a screencast to demonstrate your ability to use the following tools.
Requirement Submission
Submit the date and name of the person who conducted your evaluation. View the list of evaluators here:
Demonstrate skill with:
- Mail Merge for
- Formula Editor
- Use of the Format Painter/Paste Special
- Use of Foot- and End-notes
- Be able to answer questions about what happens to these notes when changed in track changes
- Show knowledge of/skill with contextual tabs for the following objects.
- Tables
- Images/Shapes
- Headers/Footers
- How to add internal document links.
- Connect Refworks/Endnote with Word
- Be able to enable and disable add-ons
- Understand and Use the View >> Window group options
- Understand and explain how track changes can mess up list of figures and list of tables links.
- Put in a line break into a TOC and know why they are useful for a TOC.
- Troubleshoot problems with footnotes and end notes (not issues from the program EndNote, but issues with the built in end note function of word)
Questions you should be able to answer at this level
- If a table or paragraph continues to push itself onto a new page, how do you fix it?
- How do you line up a line of text directly on the 1-inch margin line at the bottom of a page, especially when just adding single-spaced hard returns doesn’t work?